Our friends!
In our journey we are always so blessed to meet great friends in every state we've lived in and to our surprise we've stayed in Michigan much longer than we'd hoped or planned and God has blessed us with a number of wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ to fellowship with and raise our families with. There is and will always be great reasons why we're in the places we are for however long God wants us to be. The past two years in MI I've been blessed by my MOPS groups and our couples Bible study has blessed Aaron and I both. So here are some pictures of some of the people we call our family while we live so far from Colorado!
This is my great friend from MOPS, Michelle and her youngest Danan
And this is Michelle's daughter Avery, whom Malachi seems to adore!
Here are all of us wives from our Bible study...from left to right Ronelle, Becky, me, Samantha(who's married to Jeff and is Jack's mom...but I don't have a pic of Jeff yet!) and Lori
And here's Lori playing with Malachi on a great relaxing Saturday morning!!!
This is Becky and her other half, Brad from our Bible study
From left to right, Brad, Josh(married to Lori), Jodi (married to Ronelle), and Aaron...married to????just kidding!
And here again are Ronelle, Becky and Lori