Some fun new pictures!

Here are some fun pictures from the last month at home and others. You'll also see some pictures from our trip to Denver to see Aaron's mum get sworn in as a US Citizen! It was a blast and the kids loved seeing Nanny and yelling her name across the autitorium. We had so much fun hangin with Aaron's brother and his wife and kiddos...Malachi and Rachel love them. And then you'll see some sweet photo's of our newest close friends, our neighbors Tyler, Erin and their son Tanner who we get to have over off and on and went to his 3rd birthday party. Well, Malachi and I went alone to Tanner's party! You'll also see our fun day of crafts making Valentines cards for daddy...and Uncle Brian. We had cousin Avery and Auntie Rachel over and the kids had a blast painting and doing stickers, stamps and crayons!!

Here's Nanny getting sworn in!

Who doesn't love wearing mommie's clothes and daddy's shoes??

Here's Tanner when he came over one of the days we watch him!

Valentine's for daddy's

Here's Tanner's birthday party! Malachi had a great time mostly playing with some old car toys they had!


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