A collage of events and holidays the past two months!
Here's sweet Charles getting baptised. He's 8!
and here's Cora and she's 6!
Here's the entire Taylor family...to think they only have two sons...and six grandkids...we may not be done either!
Here's our week in Vail, CO for Thanksgiving...me and the kiddos went up early to spend time with Grandpa Bob and Grandma
And a great great surprise was my bro Nate and my beautiful sister'n'law Mary came up for a night.
I love this photo...both look a bit confused!
Who doesn't love a snowman....well Nanny and Grampy and Mommy did most of it but the kids enjoyed it.
We had many, many many shots to get our CHRISTmas card photo...I just think it's comical to do with two toddlers.
And Malachi enjoyed his great train table and train set Nanny and Grampy got him for his birthday!
She really thinks she can walk down the stairs!
And she LOVES goggles! So funny...little noodle.
Our bruiser...have no idea how she did this one but it looked terrible.
Can't resist our sweet niece, Avery, loves to be nudy and her big booty is so cute!
This is my only photo from CHRISTmas eve...I was a bit out of it...
Fun gifts...even Thomas underwear!!
And a purse with a fake cell phone!! Of course she knew exactly what to do.
and of course more fun gifts over at Auntie Rachels with Grandma and Grandpa Bob.
Then my oldest sis, Tiff and her hubby Rob came with the three boys...didn't get a photo of Jeremiah but here's Payton and Reece and Malachi...
Reece is a ladies man...for sure
And man they are boys...my kids were a bit scared of the wrestling and strange sounds they made...but it was a great holiday week.