My eyes are open more today!

I am sorry that it's been so very long since I've been on's a busy life with two munchkins...I will post many new pictures and stories soon.

But for today I will share a bit from my heart. When Aaron and I felt like trying for kids we both knew it was an incredible blessing to have a child and raise these eternal beings in the Lord. One of the hardest parts for us in the beginning was coming up with their names. We both sought names that had a specific meaning and not to Old Testament that no one today could pronounce it!!! At first our son was going to be Hezekiah...we loved the story and meaning but halfway through the pregnancy Aaron didn't feel right about it and changed it to Malachi...which means "Messenger of God". From then on I prayed for Malachi to fulfill that name. Whatever that may look like/preacher/teacher/evangelising in school/prophecy...whatever the Lord would use him in I prayed for.
As a mom we pay close attention to our kiddos and what they learn and say and "make up". So I will tell you what happened today with you understanding this is not the first time Malachi has said something that was incredible and he had no idea. After we got out of the shower I had the old hymn "I'll fly away" and after a few times through Malachi looked up at me and said.."mommy, we need to take this off." I asked him..."take what off?" he pinched at his eyebrows and his cheek..."take these off!!". I stoped and looked at him for something stuck to his face or in his eye..."Take what off Malachi?" I said. "We need to take these faces off." I said strangely amused..."why do we need to take our face off?" ....."We need to take these faces off, mommy. We want to be like Jesus."

I absolutely cannot right this without remembering in that moment I was reminded and taught something new about my own image and what I am showing my children and the people around me about my Savior. I stared in the mirror and thought how amazing it is that what he said had nothing to do with the song I sang or anything he'd heard...but he'd thought about what it was like to be made in His Image and to "BE LIKE JESUS". After a while he looked up at me and said..."mommy, you going to fly to heaven?" I said "I sure am..." and he said..."not today?" There is no greater moment as a parent than when your child reminds you that they see and here everything you say and do around them and what you fill their days with impacts them so greatly. I praise the Lord that I saw today that in the midst of my weaknesses as a mom and my mistakes in parenting the Lord shined through and is still using me in my childrens lives. These eternal beautiful children are not mine...they are His and He is in control and I am so thankful I have a Savior that loves my family soooo much and me sooo much to extend His mercy and grace to me every day. I pray I will look more like Jesus every day.


Unknown said…
How awesome! I can only pray that when we have children they are half as fantastic as yours. :)

Been thinking about you lately hon! Miss & love you tons!

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