He is an amazing God...as ALWAYS!

So I begin this story by referencing what happened almost exactly one year ago. I'm not sure if I posted much about it but I will refresh every one's memory. On Dec. 14, 2008 we were rushing out the door with Aaron's parents and the kids to church. In the rush I placed my bible and notebook on the roof as I buckled Rachel in the car and hopped in. Needless to say the bible and notebook fell off on our way to church across town. I knew it once we got to church but I decided to wait till after church to search for it. After all it's in a huge purse like leather case and even though a foot of snow was on the ground I figured I'd find it. Three days of driving that road...and a few more times the next month nothing! I felt heartbroken. The bible...well...here's that story.
   When I was 11 years old I had a pink old Bible my parents had given to me with my name on the outside and I remember sitting before the Lord and basically asking for a sign from Him. I asked that when the man the Lord had promised and created for me to marry came that he would give me a new bible the day he proposed with my name and his last name on it. Pretty specific request of the Lord but I really didn't want to marry someone that the Lord hadn't intended for me to marry and I know my God is greater than this simple request. That request and prayer was kept as a very deep secret that only about three close friends of mine knew about. When Aaron and I began to date I felt the Lord clearly showing me that he was the one....we shared so many convictions and so many of our choices were just laid before the Lord I knew he was the one. So...the night Aaron proposed to me he took me to the chapel at CSU on campus; mind you I lived in Grand Junction at the time and Aaron was still in school at Western State...so he set this whole thing up with friends of mine from college. On the outside of the chapel were white sheets covering the walls of the pergola and red ribbon hanging...red rose petals all over the ground surrounded with little tea light candles lit...and in the middle a pedestal with a bible on it and a red rose in the middle with pictures of him and I placed around the bible. We had never said "I love you" or given red roses to each other because we wanted to protect each others hearts until we were engaged...we waited to kiss till our wedding day and man...no matter how hard that was it was WORTH IT!!  So I walked up to the bible and he asked..."do you know what that is?" I said simply, "A bible".....he said look at it. I picked it up seeing the rose, the bookmark that for the first time said the word Love on it and the verses in Ephesians marked about marriage...and I closed it and saw my first name and a space for his last name to be put when we got married!!! I just stood in shock...turned and he was on his knee. Told me he loved me and wanted me to marry him. ABSOLUTELY! Of course my next questions were how did he know about the bible. He just saw my tattered old pink one and knew I needed a new one. GOD IS AWESOME....so back to my story....
    That bible was gone. I posted on Craigslist for about six or seven months and just prayed that it hadn't been shoveled into garbage piles or picked up and thrown away. I began to pray immediately that the person who found it would read it. Whether they needed it or not I prayed that the Lord would use it. I hurt for my loss but realized too that I hadn't been devoted to His Word as I should be and still know I need to be even more every day. So last week the day after Thanksgiving I checked my email...and I received something that amazed me...and hopefully you too...

Hello Aaron & Andrea
God is Good! In December of 2008 my wife and I saw what we thought was a purse laying in the road in the snow. So we stopped and picked it up. Well it turned out to be a bible and journal. My wife tried for a couple of months to get a hold of the church in Michigan but they never got back to her. Since then we have both said a few times we need to try to find them so we can return it. Well last week God had me up very early in the morning. While I was going through something in his word I remembered your bible witch I thought was a different version. (I have several different versions) Well it was and I spent the rest of the time in there. You mark and date things and I do the same thing. Things you had marked spoke to me. Right now my wife and I are seeking direction. We recently left a church and working with a ministry. God moved us from Wisconsin in 2005. We go to REZ at the moment but we are waiting to see if we should stay there or go somewhere else. We love the church but its to easy to stay uninvolved at a large church. Anyway, I came across a marriage announcement of a Brian and Rachel. That enabled me to find you. We thought you lived in Fort Collins. We were slow at work yesterday so I was searching on line for you. When I googled "Aaron & Andrea Grand Junction Colorado" I came across your blog. So with all that said please call us at (970)556-6256. I can be reached anytime between 6:00AM and 9:00PM.( I get up very early. Usually 4:00-4:30 somewhere.) Oh yeah one more thing. I thought this was cool. Your daughter and I share the same birthday. Of course mine was 39 years earlier. God Bless You. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. God works in such cool ways. Its amazing.

Do I need to say anything??? Nope. I have contacted Jeff and he will come by on Wednesday with my bible and notebook. It so happens that my bible fell off in front of the church they were going to at the time....right in front of JAX sporting store down the road from my house. I am blessed and really don't expect and didn't expect this much to happen for him and for me since loosing my bible. So I of course will update you if anything else happens but I think this is enough and should be enough to show how great our Lord Jesus is...PRAISE HIM!!! 


Ok, that is about the coolest thing I have read in a long time. Thank you for posting that. Plus what a neat insight into how God answers prayers. He is good!!!
Unknown said…
Wow. That is amazing. I remember you telling me that story about your dream proposal a long time ago and always thought THAT was amazing that it came true. But, this is even cooler (in a way). :) God never ceases to amaze me.

Bibles are so personal even though they're so abundant. Mine is almost 7 years old (and still has my maiden name on it) and I can't imagine if I lost all that history. But how fun it will be to go through your old (now new again) Bible!

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