Big band aide's

So today as we left the second day of Vacation Bible School Malachi dropped his sunglasses on the floor. Of course in utter terror screaming to get them...he tried to lean forward out of his seat belt and I reminded him to stay buckled. He then tried to unbuckle himself and I jumped at him to buckle and tried again to explain that he could get really hurt. So he this...
Me: You need to stay buckled so you won't get hurt
Malachi: If we have a accident?
Me: Yes. You could get really big owies.
Malachi: I could just get two band aides and then it would be ok.
Me: Malachi, it would be a lot worse. You could be in the hospital. (Of course I am trying to be super serious because I don't want him, for any reason to unbuckle.)
Malachi: Oh......then I just get a real big band aide and I would be fixed....oh....OK mom!!

So what are big owies to 4 year old boys? Ones that need big band aides. So funny! It is also great that today's lesson at VBS was that God's word is comfort. Nothing like a good way to show them a real example of finding any situation with God's Word! it.


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