Malachi's 6 years old!! CRAZY
Today seems a bit crazy to us! It is so awesome to think back over the past 6 years and 10 months that we knew we were becoming parents and then being them! Malachi David has blessed us so much over these years. Even with the challenges that come with certain ages and stages he is an amazing son. We love his boldness and his passion. He was given the name, Malachi, because of what it means;"Messenger of God." And we have prayed that over him and believed God will use him and already has. He has grown into a very bright and shockingly pretty giving little man. He is pretty organized for his age...sometimes I think he throws things in the middle of the floor just to be like his sister! We are proud and excited for his three little sibling's to learn from him. Even though now they learn some of the bad things Malachi is growing through...they also have seen and will see him change those behaviors for the glory of our Lord. He has an amazing understanding of God's gift of Jesus and also the stories of the Word have really become real to him and a part of him. He is such a wonderful young man...and we love him. Today we celebrate Malachi!
