3 weeks old...smiles a lot!

So we are thrilled at his progress! He is now 4 lbs 11.4oz and last night he drank his whole feeding from a bottle!!! And in 15 minutes...big eater! He is progressing well with nursing and they are just impressed with him...so are we! These pictures are great...and sometimes I forget when I look at the picture how tiny he still is. Yes, those are preemie diapers and they go way way way up his back just to make them fit. He also has been off the cafeine since Sunday and so we are now in the waiting game...it usually takes a week for it to get out of your system and then we will see how his heart reacts and breathing. It is good to come to you with good news and more exciting to hopefully get weeks closer to him being home. We miss him daily. A lot. Lets just say the hospital has been wonderful to us but it is not home.

This is his wall...the kids did birthday cards after he was born and then we made a collage of pictures of the munchkins for him to see them. It will be so wonderful when they get to meet him.


Veronica Deneau (Prosser) said…
He does have the most refreshing wholesome smile. It is truly like God is smiling down at you!!! What a blessing for his health already!!! Thoughts and prayers as always for you and your family!!!!
Kelly said…
He is so beautiful and such an amazing testament of the Lord's work. I look forward to meeting the little guy!
Mandy Schlosser said…
Oh sweet baby boy!! What a little angel <3 I am so relieved he is doing well, God does love each and every one of us!!! Have a wonderful week!

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