I am so in awe of how great this season is. Now, it has not been easy at all, but so amazing to be in a place where we are in complete trust in our Provider! We knew in the back of our minds that God ultimately had been the provider of all we had before, yet even then we felt in small ways we had something to do with our income by working. And as the years went by that thought took over our trust in Him. Now God has us in a place of complete trust financially in Him to be provided for financially through the body of Christ! Honestly, we for sure came into this with many fears and apprehension to feeling like we were asking from people...but it so completely not about the money! It's asking them to be a part of the fruit and ministry God is going to do in Haiti and they get to be a part of it! Senders! Not only do they get us there but they keep us there! What's been amazing is that the Holy Spirit has gone before us and so many people we've connected with are so excited for His work!
   WOW! All of that to say I wanted to update everyone on what He is providing and what we need to get us there and keep us serving there! PRAISE JESUS we have over 50% of our one time needs. For our one time needs we needed $21,500...and wow we are over half of that! SO AMAZING. We have been blessed to have people come along side our monthly needs to keep us there with $525 commited monthly toward our goal of $3,000 a month! So that's where we are at and what we need to get us there and keep us.
   Some people have asked about giving physical items to us because they understand where we are moving is much different than San Diego and we may need some different things! So here is a compiled list of those things for our family! If you have them or know of anyone who may want to donate that would bless us abundantly!!!



  • 9 Large Suitcases (not to exceed 62 inches overall)
  • Family Essential Oils Kit (Medical)
  • 4 Mosquito Nets
  • 4 twin size plastic bed covers
  • 4 twin sets of sheets
  • 1 queen size plastic bed cover
  • 1 set queen size sheets
  • 4 kids, 2 adult warm weather sleeping bags that condense to small packing sizes!
  • 1 woman’s small frame, 1 mans framed backpacks for hiking
  • Printer(lazer color with ink to last one year) for homeschooling
  • Laptop
  • Bug zapper light
  • My Fathers World Curriculum for Kindergarten,2 & 3)
  • Homeschool supplies (4 boxes pencils,3 packs lined paper,2 box crayons)
  • Full Medical Kit
  • Hydration Kit
  • Childrens Multivitamins(2 year supply)
  • Adult Male & Female Multivitamins (2 year supply)
  • 6 boxes EmergenC
  • Non refrigerated boxes of Probiotics
  • Protein powder
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Ibprofen(2 bottles adult, 6 bottles childrens)
  • Tylenol(2 bottles adult, 8 bottles childrens)
  • Cold Medicine(kids and adults)LOTS
  • Burn cream, Antifungal cream
  • Lots of Bandaids & Neosporin
  • Nebulizer for children
  • Kids Keens & long lasting tennis shoes

Thank you all for continuing to go on this journey with us! We love you dearly and are so grateful for your friendship and love!


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