So...Andrea's 29 now!
Yep, my birthday has past and I now am one year from thirty! Praise Jesus...right?? I mean I'm actually blessed to have another year to live with my amazing husband and beautiful kids and worship the Lord and be a witness for Him...who cares how old I's another year!
I should also tell you how fun my special day was. We went up north for three days two nights in Boyne, MI...right off the hill they ski off...well they call it a mountain. It was interesting to say the least. One thing you learn as a parent is to have open expectations of your children no matter how well behaved they are normally...puting them in a hotel room with you isn't easy! Getting them to sleep while you're in the room and not wake each other up when screaming to sleep or needing to eat was very interesting. But we made it through...barely! We did enjoy a delicious dinner in Petoskey, MI off the shoreline of Lake Michigan and took our lovely dessert back to the hotel due to our screaming infant, where we put the children to bed at 7pm and sat on the bathroom floor with our dessert and potable DVD player and watched a movie!!! HA HA HA! It was completely worth it though. It was nice to be in a place that in some ways...small...but me ways reminds us of Colorado!
And then on our way home we decided to take the extra hour up to the top of MI to Mackinac bridge and it was absolutely beautiful but about -20 windchill with the breeze of the water!!! SO COLD! We left quick!

I should also tell you how fun my special day was. We went up north for three days two nights in Boyne, MI...right off the hill they ski off...well they call it a mountain. It was interesting to say the least. One thing you learn as a parent is to have open expectations of your children no matter how well behaved they are normally...puting them in a hotel room with you isn't easy! Getting them to sleep while you're in the room and not wake each other up when screaming to sleep or needing to eat was very interesting. But we made it through...barely! We did enjoy a delicious dinner in Petoskey, MI off the shoreline of Lake Michigan and took our lovely dessert back to the hotel due to our screaming infant, where we put the children to bed at 7pm and sat on the bathroom floor with our dessert and potable DVD player and watched a movie!!! HA HA HA! It was completely worth it though. It was nice to be in a place that in some ways...small...but me ways reminds us of Colorado!
And then on our way home we decided to take the extra hour up to the top of MI to Mackinac bridge and it was absolutely beautiful but about -20 windchill with the breeze of the water!!! SO COLD! We left quick!