My kids and their fears

So as many of you read last year we experienced "the fly" fear and from that came the fear of hair in the bath tub and then sock fuzz floating in the tub...yep...Malachi is still extremely afraid of one of those...can you guess???

Well a few days ago on Aaron's one day off we had a peaceful and productive morning around the house and then after the kids took their afternoon naps we decided to venture to Lowes to look at cabinets for the laundry room. Yes, the minute we got into the cool race car shopping cart it all began!!! "I need"..."I need"...push push..."I need"...and let me just note, Malachi had four cars in his hand and had a snack...but had to push his sister, steel her snacks...and needed more! Aaron was a bit shocked and frustrated...I explained that it's a crab shoot with the kids when I take them out. I usually end up taking all things away and doing super speed shopping so I can get things done and then Malachi is disciplined in the car or home...and trust me...if I ask him when we get home why he's in trouble he'll tell the ENTIRE story. He knows. So...we rushed through Lowes and decided a quick trip to one of my fav's to eat, Chick-Fil-A(where I worked and still love the food...praise God we live in a state that has them!!)...and as many of you know when you're in a mall around food...there tend to be "FLIES"!!! Yep...SCREAMED and was so hard to get him to calm down and eat. Poor kiddo...I HATE flies too but we have to calm him down and let him know they won't hurt him. It's super sad and some day he may be the best fly killer in the world. (I used to love taking the fly swatter outside and killing flies...strange...maybe he got that from me??)

So...that night ended with a quick trip home and straight to bed! The next day I decide to take on the fun task of vacuuming this new home...with new carpet that is shedding a ton!! And of course Rachel puts it in her mouth all day. So...I know that Rachel doesn't like the vacuum so I decide I'll just do it upstairs, then put her down for a nap up there and then do the rest....well...I get the vacuum out and take it upstairs...she's already crying. And instead of staying away from her fear she climbs the stairs and pulls herself up to stand with my pj pants(which aren't belted so I"m holding onto the chord to the vacuum, my pants and trying to vacuum at the same time...She is screaming in fear and decides not to let go, sticks her hot little head between my legs and cry and walk with me, pulling my pants down while I try to vacuum!!!!!! AUGH! Finally I got that done and decided it was most definitely nap time for her so I could do the rest in peace. Poor kiddos...I love the fact that the Lord has made them both completely different and it makes my life so full and interesting! I love it!


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