We must backtrack...Nanny and Grampy come to visit!!! (in MI)
Hey there...yep we're in Fort Collins, but I must go back to the beginning of this chaos. After over two years of excitedly waiting for Aaron's Mum and Dad to visit from Hungary and stay in Michigan for six great weeks...we got a phone call. Mum and Dad were driving over two days from Colorado to see us and we hear from Aaron's boss that there is an opening in Fort Collins and has put Aaron's name in for the store!!! Honestly, I knew we were moving. I had a peace that only the Lord Jesus could give me and we'd prayed specifically for Fort Collins for over a year. So to make this story a bit shorter, after a phone interview and a shocking surprise to Aaron's folks we were moving....and they were staying in Lansing because they were already commited to speak at churches there and were heading east after so it didn't make sense for them to come with us. So a few days after they got there we began to pack...and pack...and in the middle of that they babysat so we could go away for our five year anniversary.(which I will post some pic's soon) They did surprise us by riding in the car and moving truck with us and bought airline tickets back so that we could have a hand with the munchkins. After two days we arrived in the Fort and stayed in my sisters basement for a few weeks and then a hotel for ten days, then flew to Florida for a mini family reunion for Aaron, then back to the basement and then closed on our first house on August 18th and now we finally have internet!!!!! CRAZY. So I have a ton of pic's and stories and will post as fast as I can. These photos are just of Aaron's folks visit with us while we packed in Lansing.

Thanks to Grampy Malachi got this cool soccer chair and ottoman that slips into his seat slot and makes a soccer ball...very cool.
So...right before this chaos I got shingles...no...not the roofing ones...so I stopped nursing Rachel and weaned instantly to mommies milk in a bottle. She did fine...I would've loved a little more notice but I needed some rest and shingles brought me into reality.
Yep...funny trick puting this soft circle on her head Grampy...now she puts it on herself and crawls around!
I loved how absolutely excited Malachi was to see Nanny and Grampy. This is him trying to touch Nanny through the window at our appartment after waiting for them.