The garden today!!
So this morning I went out to show everyone what our garden is doing...and also a fun discovery of a robin's nest! CRAZY! May need to get rid of it for bugs...but fun for the kids to see!

and the full picture of all my watermelon vines...

And another companion for my tomato's and peppers and onions...a geranium...gorgeous pick from little Rachel. Of course it had to be pink!
And zuchinni squash which has taken over my blueberry bush which is hiding but not producing...and hidden in their is some sunflowers which will help the corn eventually!!

GIANT beets before I roasted them
come, blackberries..come
yummy raspberries...comin in August
look at these strawberry plants!!!!
Some herbs...
Here's whats left of my beets!
I planted a garlic clove to keep ants away....and its growing!
Here's a sweet watermelon on its way
and the full picture of all my watermelon vines...
my watermelon is going to take over soon!!
A little basil and some big red tomato's coming!
Here is my Serrano peppers...and my companion plants...marigolds and petunias to help the peppers and tomato's!
My poor tomatillo plant has recovered from the late snow we had...but I am not sure we'll get any fruit from it.
And another companion for my tomato's and peppers and onions...a geranium...gorgeous pick from little Rachel. Of course it had to be pink!
Red hybrid corn...ummm we should have plenty!