Mawmaw comes to visit...and dress up time!
We were so blessed to have my Mawmaw Reed fly up to visit my parents for a week and stayed half of her time in Colorado in Fort Collins! It was awesome. She got to be with all five of her great grandbabies and even blessed us with some yummy sopapillas the last morning she was here. The best parts for me were going golfing with my mom, mawmaw and my sister Rachel.(Hasn't happened since we were probably 12-14 years old) And the other fun time was going to the flea markets with Mawmaw and my mom where we scored an awesome rocking horse for the kids! It was so much fun. I miss my Mawmaw and am so glad my kids know her. She's amazing and I wish we could visit her more often and see Pawpaw who is now living in a great place for people with Alzheimer's. 

This is our try at 4 generations shot!!! HA HA HA! sweet Avery got a suitcase full of dress up clothes for her 3rd birthday and is very nice about sharing her stuff with Malachi and Rachel! THEY LOVE IT! And as usual it was very fun for my sister to dress Malachi in "pink" anything and dresses and earrings and necklaces!(he did ask to wear them)
Ok...this is Malachi as a pink power ranger. He loved this costume...and strangely while wearing the mask he did not speak at all! AT ALL! He walked around doing things without talking for a long time. It did scare Avery though...sweet girl wasn't sure of him.