Trip to Billings!
So we did our yearly trip to visit Tony and Ky (Uncle Tony and Auntie Ky to the kids) our best friends/bro and sis we call them in Billings, Montana. It was a blast! We drove up 7 hours to stay a week and enjoy a bunch of cooking, eating, sleeping and fellowship. The kids were great...a few time outs here and there...but they enjoyed some new adventures too; such as playing a video game, eating a lollipop and having desert a few nights. So they enjoyed this trip a bunch! We sure miss Tony and Ky and also got to enjoy Ky's brother Stephen...who's sitting next to Malachi in the first picture here where Malachi got to play a video game!

Man Ky looks so stinkin awesome! She's lost 40lbs!!! She's workin her tail off to loose weight while working almost full time and taking care of sweet Annelise and her home and hubby too!

Yep...we're enjoying the toothless smile these days because he's working on his first tooth and Malachi's loosing his first baby tooth and cutting his 6 year moler at the same time!

Then we enjoyed taking the kiddo's to the splash park and got to reunite with an old friend, Kari and her newest son Finn...sorry no pics of them this time!

Yes...Aaron got his video game fix for the year with Tony!
Here is Isaiah and sweet cutie Annelise who is a few months younger than Rachel.
And in the back...yep a teenager no kidding...sleep sleep cheetos/ramen/ sleep sleep sleep... Love you Stephen!
Man Ky looks so stinkin awesome! She's lost 40lbs!!! She's workin her tail off to loose weight while working almost full time and taking care of sweet Annelise and her home and hubby too!
So we got treated to doing some ceramic painting with the kiddos and of course Isaiah was enjoying every minute!
Yep...we're enjoying the toothless smile these days because he's working on his first tooth and Malachi's loosing his first baby tooth and cutting his 6 year moler at the same time!
This was so cute...Annelise put a blanket on him and sat down to read to Isaiah.
Can you tell we made them smile?
Then we enjoyed taking the kiddo's to the splash park and got to reunite with an old friend, Kari and her newest son Finn...sorry no pics of them this time!
Then we got to go to the Mexican Festival and try not to melt in the heat and look at awesome hot rods!
This was funny because the girls were playing pretend and puting the dolls in time out! And then you can see the kiddos dressed for church...even Isaiah! It was great to fellowship with people from our old Bible study too!