Disney World!!!
Finally...I am getting these up! We were super blessed to have won a trip for our family to Disney World...through Aaron's hard work in getting recruits last year for his company. So we decided to take the older two kiddos and let Auntie Rachel and Nanny and Grampy share the two little ones at home. It was an amazing time. It was full of great moments where we were in awe of our kids amazement and how it just came to life in their eyes. It was such a special trip.We found out that Rachel loves roller coasters and Malachi tries hard to be brave even if a ride freaked him out he said he loved it! We are grateful that God blessed us with this special trip!
Ok...we had a good time at Epcot and had to eat in England for Aaron's mum! The fish and chips were AMAZING!!!
And of course for our cutie..Isaiah...we had to visit all the NEMO stuff...he would have been a bit taken back by this fun huge Bruce!
We were planned out daily so we didn't have long lines at all...accept to get autographs and we ended up with about 20! SO awesome for kiddos!
Part of our treat this time was our meal plan we purchased. So we did our best to eat at fun restaurants! This one was amazing. The fish tank behind us was larger than the place and full of divers!
So day 3 we dressed the kiddos up. Typically it's a princess day that parents/grandparents drop hundreds on for their girls...so we packed up surprise costumes for the kids and did it for them. They loved it!!! So much fun!
Ahhh... Tink! Yep she was amazing!
And we had lunch with Pooh and friends
And then...Animal Kingdom!
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