Haiti HERE WE COME!!!!

> from Rock">http://vimeo.com/rockfilms">Rock Films on Vimeo.https://vimeo.com">Vimeo.>

This is a preview of where we are headed for a two week missions trip on April 22-May 6!!! YES! Aaron and I are going to take this step of faith and go serve  the orphans of Jeremie, Haiti and reach the lost who live in deep, deep darkness in Haiti. We will be going with 15-20 of our classmates and leaders. We really have a lot of details to post and will do so later. We just wanted to get this news out so that you all can pray for us!!!

If you'd like to, you can partner with us in one or more of the following ways;
-PRAY for us:
     *We need to raise $4,000 by March 5th
     *We are seeking childcare while we are gone
     *For our team as they raise funds and for the people of Haiti to have hearts ready to be free and know Jesus as their Savior.


David dad said…
praying for you and your team and my gk's. pls pray that each one ask for one who the Lord knows who will become His and each one of those in turn will again ask the Lord to show them one. so each one reach one. You have the same gift the Apostle Paul had and he made disciples in weeks, not months or years. Go gettem! may the Lord guide and bless all you do for Him.
I wish I was close...I would totally watch your children! I will be praying for God to meet every need ABUNDANTLY! (don't know how I missed this update)

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