BIG NEWS for the Taylors

Hello friends and family! So much has gone on this past year here in San Diego and I wish I could recap everything. Some of you have followed us on here and on Facebook and know about what the Lord has been doing in and through our lives. A few major things are that Aaron and I both attended and graduated from Impact 195 discipleship school!! During that time we were stretched spiritually and our family has grown closer to each other and most of all closer to our Creator. Our knowledge of who He is and our love for Him has grown so much. We are so grateful He allowed us to sacrifice things for Him to walk in His great and awesome works that He had for us this year!
    And now He has set out a huge work that we both are so excited to share with you all! As many of you know that Aaron and I were blessed to go on a 2 week mission trip to Jeremie, Haiti in April. It was amazing!! Before we left Aaron and I were presented an opportunity to ponder and pray about. It was a huge one! One that we both had many things to lay before our Saviors feet and count the cost too! Most of all is that we recognized we feel inadequate for the task and we know that that's when our Savior Jesus will do all the work and we get the blessing of stepping back and just being used by Him! We took plenty of time to count the cost, make lists, wrestle in our hearts and minds and pray daily to make the decision to move our family to live in Jeremie, Haiti as long term missionaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEH! PRAISE JESUS!!
    If you would've asked me just two years ago if I thought we'd be missionaries....ever....I would for sure have said, "probably not." And really just saw us doing His work here in our country! Which is awesome and hard all in itself. But His plan for us was not that and that is one reason it took us so long to say yes and make sure this was His desire and we would be willing to count ALL the cost and follow Him. One thing that reminds me daily of how my heart and mind need to be filled with His Truth is making sure to remember that when I meet my Savior Jesus, I want Him to say "well done, my good and faithful servant." He laid out this opportunity for Aaron and I and shocked us to the core.
    The great thing about our God is He is gracious and doesn't force us to do anything. Neither did Impact when they offered this opportunity. We knew we could say no and they would place us somewhere here to serve and we could be used by the Lord here for sure! The major questions we had to ask ourselves were;
1-Which decision would help us and our family to know God more as a Father?
2-Which decision will have a greater impact for the kingdom of God?
3-Which decision will require more faith?

I love how He works. Thinking through these questions has been such a great help in EVERYTHING we choose to do. God is so amazing in His love and He is always good. We are so grateful He is leading our lives and that we get the opportunity to be obedient to His word and "Go make disciples of all nations."

So...what is our goal?? Aaron and I are going to help oversee starting an Impact 195 discipleship school for Haitians. We will be going with a team that will help get this school kicked off. Our team is 5 other adults from Impact 195 here; Justin & Krista Angel, Mike Ortiz, Kate Richardson & Allie Wight!! While we oversee the school we also will be overseeing the Matthew 25 Project, which is meeting the needs in the community. Right now there is a feeding project that feeds about 500 kids three days a week. Our church has plans to purchase a super kitchen with massive cookers that can cook enough rice and beans to feed 1000 kids a day!! And once the funds are in for the cookers a U.S. company has agreed to donate rice and beans for the first year! We will also be hoping to add more to this project when we hit the ground! Jesus met needs and we know that there are many many many needs in Jeremie so this ministry will be busy. We also will be doing Church planting. Our hope is to take the Haitian students who come through Impact Haiti and train them to go out into the countryside and in town and plant churches. One big hope is also to create a childrens church since there is no church that welcomes children in Haiti. The last thing is helping to host all the trips that come out from our Impact in San Diego and the trips that are now coming out from The Rock Church! SO....much much much to think through and plan. We have been in this process for some time and now we can tell you all what the Lord has placed on our hearts as our goals when we move to Haiti!
   Some excitement is that our church just purchased 11 acres in Jeremie...completely blessed by the Lord in every part of the purchase. Part of that land will be new orphanage buildings that will host small groups of children in each house with a Haitian married couple to live in each one and help the children have more of a family. Then we plan to have an outside amphitheater for church going down the hillside and it should seat 1000!! Then it will have a soccer field and two buildings that one can host trips that come out and the other may end up being where we hold the Impact school! There are still many things that need to be finalized in it and funds that need to come but so exciting to know God is moving in Jeremie and we just are super excited to be a part of that!!
REALLY?? A housewife, a former sales manager and four kids??? Who did Jesus choose to follow Him as disciples?? Fishermen, tax collector, a physician....and He chose us!!

  Please pray for us as we get more and more into the planning and training before we leave. Our projected month to leave is April...but we will keep everyone posted as it gets closer! Love you all!!


Danelle said…
So happy for you guys! We are so proud of you and your choice to follow the Lord. I guess the Lloyds will be planning a trip to Haiti

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