Wow! God is doing a great work!

Hello friends and family! I am trying to get back into the habit of posting on here and filling you all in on this great adventure we are please keep coming back and checking in on us!

    So, you all know that we are pressing in to the Lord and preparing to move to Jeremie, Haiti! This adventure is so much greater than we could imagine, and harder! In the last three months of praying and picking a team and trying to step into lifting them up, we have for sure been challenged, and so have they! As I had announced in my last post about the people on our team, God was doing a work we didn't really know about and last week four of our team members stepped out of the team:( Those three days for sure rocked Aaron and I. It was not at all so much that we felt the mission wouldn't be accomplished or that we had to have that many people. It was that they are family and as part of this team we had really focused on the family side of preparation and our hearts did hurt. And in those moments God spoke very clearly, especially to me about areas of me that needed to be fully surrendered.
   It was almost as if He kept leaning in and whispering, "Trust me." And I have heard these words my entire life and would probably say boldly that I do....but really part of me hadn't really trusted Him and understood that when He says "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." That even when I am confused by what is happening around me and my circumstances seem like such a mess that He is always good and not surprised in any way by what is happening. He is "I Am." There is not a part of Him that desires to mislead me in any way. He has no evil or harmful ways. His love is perfect. Praise Him! In those moments I really am learning that just saying "yes" to go is where I find the greatest, most intimate moments with my Savior. I may have crazy circumstances but His peace is always available if I am seeking Him and pursuing a right relationship with Him. I am so grateful to be on this journey. He is teaching more about Him and His love and His design of me. WOW! Seriously...I deserve non of that. He is amazing. I can do nothing to earn His love. He gives it completely free.
   I am so glad to be on this journey with my amazing servant leader, Aaron. It is so so so good to be in a place that when it's hard we both know the only way to find rest and clarity is prayer and listening! It is so good to have Aaron wash me with the Word and encourage me and push me closer to the Lord!  So...all of that to say where are we now? Well, praying!
      We definitely have evaluated some of our choices in how we lead our team and things we can improve on. Most of all we are praying more and seeking to reach out for prayer more! This Saturday we will have a vision casting night to finalize our Sending Team, which includes a prayer team. We absolutely need prayer every day and sometimes we don't reach out out of pride or feeling like we'd burden others...THAT IS A LIE! God has and is teaching us so much about the power of the body functioning as the body. So if you ever think of us at any point in your day...please pray?? God is so faithful and not only would that help us but it would grow your relationship with Him! How awesome!
   We love you all so much. Thank you for joining us in this. Please send comments on here, Facebook or email/text for prayer! We'd love to lift you all up specifically!


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