The Beginning!!

Well, here we are in Lansing, Michigan and to catch everyone up on our lives could take a long time so I'll try to make this short. After around a year of marriage in Grand Junction, Colorado Aaron was promoted to assistant mgr. of an Oak Express/Bedroom Expressions store in Billings, Montana. We lived there for 14 months and then he was promoted to store manager in a temporary store in Indianapolis, we did the three days drive while I was 6 1/2 months pregnant with our son, Malachi. We lived in Indy for 8 months and the store was shut down due to the economy and very saturated market of Indianapolis. So we were quickly the wrong Lansing, MI for another temporary spot. When I say temporary it's our prayer that we would end up in Colorado and the company is very aware that that is our desire so they are constantly watching Aaron and his improvement as a manager and Lord willing, when he's ready they'll move us to Colorado. we are....and we just had another baby, our little girl Rachel Eliana on Sept. 7, 2007. Yep...we've been here for around 18 months and it's been ok...just ok. We're blessed every where we move with amazing churches and good fellowship. We know that the Lord is using us and shaping us in every move. We do know that this is not our final place...neither will Colorado be, but we're very ready to be closer to people we know and family. And we praise Jesus for an amazing company for Aaron to work for that is led by many Christian men and family is first and foremost in this corporation so we really feel that this is where the Lord wants us. I am with two kids and I stay at home being exactly what I've always wanted a mom and wife. It's awesome and challenging. I love it. Malachi is 23 months and absolutely a ham and the spitting image of his dad...praise Jesus! Rachel is beautiful and so far doesn't look anything like Malachi did so we shall see who she favors. Well...that's a bit about us now and I'll post more as our fun life moves on in this crazy place called Lansing.


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