WELCOME Isaiah Aaron Taylor

So early...early Saturday morning we welcomed Isaiah Aaron Taylor to our family. And for those interested I will post the fast coming he had into our world. At 1 am I woke up with some painful contractions and waited a bit to wake Aaron to make sure it was real. At 1:30am woke him up and proceeded to try to call my sister to come over so we could leave our sleeping kids at home....well my sweet sis and left her cell downstairs so she never heard us call. Finally I was in too much pain and went down to the car...where I felt my water break and we had to leave. We loaded the kids up...and they were immediately wide awake..and LOUD! Got to the hospital and found out I was at 5cm dialated and contractions were coming hard....and the kids were sitting in the two seats across the room yelling and playing...and Rachel was sneaking my purse to eat mints...at 2am!! Praise Jesus our great friends in our bible study helped out and Chris showed up 20minutes in and took the kids back to our home to sleep. My doc showed up at 2:40 and said with my fast labors she wanted to check me and see....I was allready at 8!!!!!!! So she set up everything and by 3am...I was to 9 and 100% efface. So she helped me push away a small amount of cervex...and by 3:15 I was ready to push and after three pushes out he came at 3:19am!!!!! He weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20.5 inches long! And to my surprise had a full head of dark hair!!!!!!!! HA HA HA! That's just what I was hoping for. Fun...so he's here and we are all enjoying him. The kids are doing amazing with him and loving on him too! Oh...and when we were getting ready to leave at 1:40am we'd called my folks in Grand Junction and they packed fast and got into their car and drove 5 hours here right when Chris was taking our kids to the hospital to drop them off...it was perfect!...so enjoy the pictures and the video.


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