A day to dress up!

So...for this Halloween the kids dressed up for the entire day. It was fun for them and me. We aren't big on this holiday as far as the creepy scarry stuff...or the candy(since the kids don't get any...and we don't need it either:))But we hope to share the love of Christ to those that come by our house...and let me say thousands of kids came by!! And next year we'll be better prepared for that many kids. So Malachi dressed as Thomas the tank engine. And of course precious Rachel wore Malachi's monkey costume from last year!! Fit great. They had a blast walking around outside with their cousin Avery who was a duck. And the first house Malachi went to for some type of treat the guy said to just grab something out of the basket on the table in his yard. Of course we looked and saw the candy...and an extra basket with individually wrapped prunes. Malachi loves prunes so I told him to grab one and thank the man. The man stoped me and said.."ah...you know those are prunes? Right" I said.."yeh...my son loves prunes." He said that they were there as a gag for his old friends that come by with their kids. I just thanked him for something I'd actually give my son! It was hillarious. He couldn't believe it! Malachi doesn't know candy yet and I'm super glad. He does not need it. So...a fun night indeed!


McBunni said…
You don't let your kids eat candy?!?!?!?

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