My son is turning 3 tomorrow

Tonight as I put Malachi down to bed we finished praying and I laid my head on his chest. I heard his hear beating so fast and hard and it brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the first time we heard that precious heart on the monitor. After a tough miscarriage it was absolutely the most exciting and stressful moment of our life. And even though we heard it that time and many times was amazing to hear it getting stronger and then when he joined our lives outside of my tummy it was amazing. He looked just like his daddy. Absolutely handsome and beautiful at the same time. It's never going to be easy as a mom to think of my children growing up. But I rejoice in where he is as a young boy and pray for him to be a godly young man. He's joy, sensitivity, cautiousness and love for his sister, daddy and hopefully mommy is contagious. He's a beautiful creation from the Lord and we praise God that we get to help raise him and see this eternal being grow. Happy birthday a day early my son. I love you dearly.


Sharon and Bob said…
What a beautiful boy you have. And a great mom you are, Ange!
Reading this brought back memories for me too.
Love you all!
Happy Birthday little man!!
Love you,
Anonymous said…
Holy crap! I finally found you. I am an old friend of yours. Matt Wuest. Congrats on having such a beautiful family. You all look very happy. I would like to get in contact with you. Please let me know what is going on in your life. I have a myspace account and my e-mail address is
Again, I am happy for you and your family.

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