Helping Daddy!

There is one sweet precious thing the Lord has placed in Malachi and that is his desire to help. This kiddo loves to help...loves to! When he was about 2 he started taking out the garbage with Daddy and then got hooked on unloading the dishes. So much that one night when he was eating green beans..which neither of my kids like...Aaron was unloading dishes. Malachi refused to eat his beans and Aaron said you have to finish them or no bath. Well...once Aaron started unloading the dishes Malachi freaked and wanted to help. Aaron said..."If you eat your green beans you can help unload the dishes." got it...he shoveled those green beans down to help with dishes!!! HA HA! So here at the house there's not much fixen to do yet...but Aaron put some extra screws in the fence for stability for the last few years that fence has...and Malachi helped. While Rachel looked on and wanted to be out there so bad!! It was pretty cold...even though Aaron's wearing shorts.


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