So...I begin this by saying I have not come to complete perfection in being ALL! Yet Aaron and I were talking about stuff as we did some more painting of the trim and replacing doors yesterday and the subject of true contentment came up. The main reason was when Aaron told our story about the Lord moving us from Michigan to Colorado he's very clear that we'd absolutely come to the point while living in Michigan of contentment with where we were. No, we did not want to stay in Michigan but we were at peace and not pursuing anything else when the Lord shocked us with this move. So, I wanted to reflect on the meaning of contentment and what a great reminder for me to seek that in all things. "To be sufficient, to be possessed of sufficient strength, to be strong, to be enough for a thing, to be satisfied, contended be sufficient in oneself...satisfaction with what one has."(Vines Dictionary) Am I content? Am I satisfied with all that the Lord ...